Friday, April 8, 2011

The International Green Industry Hall of Fame Ceremony

Master of Ceremony Bob Hilton (Voice of The Price is Right, The Newlywed Game and Let's Make a Deal) gets the festivities rolling had the pleasure of joining about 200 attendees and nominees at the inaugural International Green Industry Hall of Fame ceremony at UC Merced at the end of March.  The theme for the day was "Honoring Green Heroes" and everyone had a great time.  The event was an excellent opportunity to meet and speak with many eco friendly business owners and fellow "greenies". 

Larry Morris of RUNKA discusses our products with the attendees...

...and answered lots of excellent questions
    As one of the finalists for induction hosted a booth at the Hall of Fame  Expo.  We were visited by quite a few attendees and had a great time meeting and talking with so many people committed to a healthy environment.  It was very encouraging to see the large number of young adults from the local high schools interested in an eco friendly lifestyle.

Getting ready for the Big Moment!

      UC Merced Campus Architect Thomas Lollini spoke on the Universities commitment to achieving Zero Net Energy, Zero Waste to Landfill and Zero Carbon Emissions by 2020.  Mineta Transportation Institue Executive Director Rod Diridon gave an excellent speech on the status of High Speed Rail, both internationally and within California.


Hangin' with the Greenies

Thanks to Shauna, Brenna and Ashleigh for making it all work so smoothly

After the ceremony everyone went back to the main area for lunch and more viewing of the Expo.

Congratulations to the winners of the give away! held a drawing and gave away several prizes to attendees including the Grand Prize, a backpack made from hemp!

Sam Geil, IGIHOF President, presents David Nuss of with the Award of Excellence

      Finally - the drum roll please - was inducted into the International Green Industry Hall of Fame?  Not this year - but we are very proud to announce that we did receive the IGIHOF Award of Excellence.  

      Thanks again to Sam Geil, the IGIHOF Board of Directors, staff and Sponsors for a fantastic event and congratulations to the inductees.  We can hardly wait until next year!

1 comment:

  1. I am very enthusiastic about what you all are doing I know from personal experience this team of people have been saving the earth one tire at at a time with quality used but to see such an outstretch of your ability is aww inspiring. I only hope that I can be part of this wonderful project someday. Until then I will continue to do my part at my home and town.
